Gong Xi Fa Chai!
After a long holiday, it's time to update my blog.
This is one of the challenging series, Patricia & Calvin's wedding portraiture at Kellie's Castle & Ipoh.
Some of the shots, we applied infra red & light painting effects (I've been using these technique since 15 years ago in my commercial shoots), some of you might not heard about it before, if you are interested in light painting effect, I will talk about this topic more on my next update.
Here are my favourite shots.

Infra red filter with blue tone, one of my favourite color.

Infra red filter with Sepia tone, my 2nd favourite color.

Infra red filter with black & white tone.
You can compare these 3 diiferent results with infra red filter.

My favourite.

Another impact one.

I like this flying viel when Patricia is adjusting it.

Lovely texture...

I like this shot, it's just simple & beautiful.

Light painting effect.