Monday, April 13, 2009

Light Painting

I learn this technique since 15 years ago, during that time, I'm a huge fan of light painting, I use 'Hensel Light Brush' to creat this type of effects, the disadvantage is you need power support, so we can only use this in our studio, later on we try to use torch light for outdoor, but it's not easy during that time cause we are shooting with medium (120) or large (4x5) format with ASA100 films & tungsten filter for conversion to daylight, you need even longer exposure. But today it's no longer a nightmare, with the improvement on digital camera ISO, we can do this easily.
Believe me, it's gonna be a trend again.
below are some of my recent favourite shots.

Indoor effect.

At the cave.

Outdoor during sunset.


cm said...

i love first one!!

Exes Studio said...

Thanks, CM.
See you on Wednesday.

Joshua K said...

Great shots Patrick, masterpiece :)

Exes Studio said...

Thanks, Joshua.